Indian Academy of Vaginal Aesthetics is the 1st of its kind in the country. The Institute deals with much more than just beauty. The various procedures not only make us more desirable, but also improve functionality. Prevention of Urinary Leakage, Descent of Organs, Vaginal Tightening, Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction, Orgasmic Dysfunction, Antiageing for Sagging and Wrinkles, Lubrication for Dryness, Lack of Libido, Painful and Difficult Intercourse, Enhancing Intimate Area Skin for colour and texture are some of the benefits!
An intense handson course with theoreies & one to one sessions with our experts
Boost Your Practice & Empower Patients with Cutting-Edge Techniques & Solutions.
Elevate your skills and become a leader with our fellowship program. Apply now!

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A glimpse of Aesthetic Gynecology Congress Held on 10-12 December 2021 at JW Mariott Juhu Mumbai.